
Frequency in the Quantum Hologram

"Good vibes; bad vibes"; "we are all one".  Jargon or fact?  New Age hype or mass consciousness reality?

    Let us begin by talking about the field - a force field that you are part of and in which you "reside" as a human being.  A field can be defined as a condition in space that has the potential of producing a force.  Charges within the field create a condition in the space around it so that the other charge feels a force.  The universe is filled with fields that create forces that interact with each other.  Within these universal force fields reside space and time totally interdependent with each other.

    A field is composed of energy that is a force or power manifesting in wavelengths of different frequency.  The energy carries information that is a pattern, form or structure.  The frequency of the information is created by how many times the energy oscillates in a given period (usually a second, measured in hertz - cycles per second).  The form unfolds itself through a process of emergence creating a non-linear experience for all sharing the field.

    A group resonates at a wavelength frequency produced by the whole.  The frequency of the wavelength can be coherent or incoherent.  A coherent wave has even crests and troughs (highs and lows or amplitude).  An incoherent wave is uneven in its distribution of its crests and troughs.  Coherent waves create the feeling of "good vibes" while incoherent wavelengths are experienced as "bad vibes".  In truth, they are neither good or bad, positive or negative.  They are simply waves of energy.

    Constructive interference is a predominance of coherent waves.  A majority of incoherent waves is known as destructive interference.  The most harmonious experience is coherent waves that are slightly higher or lower than each other in frequency.   As the various frequencies meet each other, the edges can be similar or uneven.  Dissolving these edges creates a feeling and knowing of union.  When union occurs, edges collapse and disappear fluidly in light.

    The entire energy field is part of the Quantum Hologram.  In other words, each piece is an entire piece of the whole and non-local.  Each portion of the Hologram impacts every other piece creating a unified experience for all participants and facilitators no matter what that experience may be.   Each time an experience is shared, attention is brought to it.  This enforces the experience for all and attracts more of the same vibration to the awareness of each person.

    A hologram is a three-dimensional photograph made by a laser.  The laser is the most coherent wavelength of which we are now presently aware.  Within the hologram, the object to be photographed is first bathed in the light of a laser beam that has been split by a beam splitter.  The other piece of the laser beam is bounced off the reflected light of the first and the resulting interference pattern is captured on film.

    As the film is developed, it looks like a meaningless swirl of light and dark lines (places where the constructive/destructive interference overlap).  Shining a laser light upon the film creates a three-dimensional image of the original object.  All information that is within the object is now within the hologram.

    The most phenomenal characteristic of a hologram is that if it is cut in half and then illuminated by a laser light, each half will still be found to contain the entire image.  Even if the halves are divided again, each snippet of film will always be found to contain a smaller yet intact version of the original image.  The information of the whole is present within each piece.  (We must learn to view everything as part of "undivided wholeness in flowing movement"; David Bohm, Wholeness and the Implicate Order, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London, Boston, 1980, p 48.)


    An enormous amount of research has been done verifying the availability of the coherent wavelength of the heart.  Since the heart's magnetic field is 5,000 times greater and the electrical field 60 times greater in strength than the field generated by the brain, the heart has the ability to entrain all organs of the body to its vibrational frequency.  The brain relies on the wavelengths emitted by the heart to create cortical facilitation that allows the cortex of the brain to evaluate experiences and promote the appropriate responses.  When the rhythms of the heart are jagged or irregular, the brain experiences cortical inhibition and cannot perceive, think and consequently act in a desirable manner.  Vibrational entrainment with the heart's frequency is optimal to creating a coherent unified field experience, i.e. the "Oneness" or union.

    The whole universe can be thought of as a flowing hologram or holomovement (David Bohm) in which a total order is contained in each region of space and time.  David Bohm called this the implicate order.  He then stated that the explicate order is a projection from higher dimensional levels of reality and the apparent stability and solidity of the objects and entities composing it are generated and sustained by a ceaseless process of enfoldment and unfoldment for subatomic particles are constantly dissolving into the implicate order and recrystallizing.

    Such are you; such are we - seeming recycled waves of vibration in a sea of movement within a hologram that contains all that each of us IS.

                    Toni Elizabeth Sar'h Petrinovich, Ph.D. is a visionary, weaver of grace, quantum physicist and multidimensional traveler.  Born with memory of the etheric worlds intact, Toni uses her gifts to expand the same re-membrance within the consciousness of other beings.  She is the owner of Sacred Spaces in the beautiful San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington State where she conducts personal sessions, retreats and etheric readings for all those drawn to the authentic Self.  She is the author of The Call - Awakening the Angelic Human and its accompanying CD, DNA Re-Awakening.  Toni is also a direct channel for the Light Orbs who are the Guardians of the Soul.  She does long distance healing, spiritual counseling, soul readings, light orb readings and chakra readings by appointment.  For more information regarding Toni's work or to contact her by telephone or email, please see her websites: and


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