
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Just how stupid do they think
the American public is?
A jobless recovery? That fits in very nicely with joyless joy, cheerless cheer, and hopeless hope, as the following cartoon depicts:

Here is something very basic to understand: When people begin to lose their jobs by the millions, that's a recession. When the economy begins to grow and those people get re-hired or find new replacement jobs, that's a recovery.

If millions of people lose their jobs and cannot find work, that's not a recovery, that's a depression.

Jobless recovery?

Vladimir Lenin said, "A lie told often enough becomes truth."

William James said, "There's nothing so absurd that if you repeat it often enough, people will believe it."
And that's the official policy of our leaders...
Lie to us over and over and over and over until we believe it.

Well, I for one, do not believe it.

What I do know is that their lies just lead to more misallocations in the economy.


You can't cure intoxication with more alcohol, and neither can you cure a problem of excessive debt with lies designed to induce more debt.

That simply makes matters worse.

And the economic path that we are on as a country is one of ultimate failure and destruction.

Their lies brought a false hope, but that is now fading.