Economists tell us that 70% of the economy is dependant on consumer spending.
Well, consumer spending has crashed to levels that are more than 30% LOWER than the "disaster" year of 2008.
Here's the chart that clearly illustrates that:
In August of 2008, consumers were spending an average of $97 per day per household. In August of this year, that number had sunk to just $63 per day per household.
So where the heck is the recovery? These numbers indicate economic disaster.
Why aren't consumers spending? Could it be the lack of jobs, the housing crisis that never ends, the threat of cap and trade, the thought of much higher taxes to come, escalating insurance costs, out of reach college tuition, or other factors?
For my money, I'd wager that consumers aren't stupid, and that they simply believe their eyes and ignore the economic spin being force fed to the public. They know things are getting bad, and they are reigning in their reckless spending habits and preparing for tough times.
Of course, our "leaders" will never tell us to prepare for tough times, even if those tough times are unfolding right before our very eyes...
The economy is rapidly getting worse.
We are still experiencing the effects of the "great recession" and the economy is again sinking rapidly.
The alleged "recovery" was nothing more than a temporary mirage created with "stimulus" money and lots of media hype.
If you listen to the "happy talk" about "recovery," (remember, even the President himself is on tour hyping the recovery mirage in his not-so-cleverly-named "recovery summer") you'll be completely unprepared for the economic suffering that is heading straight for us.
while the majority will see their wealth devastated by the economic calamity, you need not be part of that group.
It IS possible to weather the storm and come out on the other side unscathed, with even more wealth than you have today.
In 2008, while most investors saw their portfolios drop by 40% or more, my overall return was 2,862%.
You can increase your wealth, in spite of the oncoming financial train wreck, but there's no time to waste.
The time and ability to prepare are rapidly running out. Click the link below to find out more.
Have a great day!