If we were truly in a recovery, the number of homes going into foreclosure would stabilize and shrink, and the problem loans at U.S. banks would be reduced.
That is not happening.
The U.S. Banking System is sinking fast. Take a look at this chart showing the number of banks on the FDIC's list of "problem banks."
Quarter by quarter, this list continues to grow. Quarter by quarter, the collapsing real estate market is eroding banks balance sheets. Quarter by quarter, this financial crisis is getting worse, not better.
Take another look at the above chart. Do you see any signs of recovery in it?
We are still experiencing the effects of the "great recession" and the economy is again sinking rapidly.
The alleged "recovery" was nothing more than a temporary mirage created with "stimulus" money and lots of media hype.
If you listen to the "happy talk" about "recovery," (remember, even the President himself is on tour hyping the recovery mirage in his not-so-cleverly-named "recovery summer") you'll be completely unprepared for the economic suffering that is heading straight for us.
while the majority will see their wealth devastated by the economic calamity, you need not be part of that group.
It IS possible to weather the storm and come out on the other side unscathed, with even more wealth than you have today.
In 2008, while most investors saw their portfolios drop by 40% or more, my overall return was 2,862%.
You can increase your wealth, in spite of the oncoming financial train wreck, but there's no time to waste.
The time and ability to prepare are rapidly running out. Click the link below to find out more.
Have a great day!